Atención al cliente


By Chat:
Chat with us if you need immediate assistance to:
  • Check the status of an order or return
  • Change or cancel your order
  • Reset your password or access your account
  • Contacto: +498920195861

    By Whatsapp:
    Contact us via WhatsApp if you have any questions about:
  • Your delivered order
  • How to return a product
  • Loyalty programs
  • Contacto: +498920195861

    Por teléfono:
    Llámenos si necesita ayuda con lo siguiente:
  • Aplicar un código promocional
  • Completar el pedido
  • Consejo de belleza
  • Recomendación de productos
  • Contacto: +498920195861

    Chat Live With A Stylist:

    The Live-chat and video live-chat is available from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 20:00.